About Mariah K. C. Guta

Mariah K. C. Guta is an accomplished scholar and passionate advocate for Gaia-Sophia, holding both a Bachelor's and Master's degree from Wilfrid Laurier University. During her time at Laurier, she was honored with the prestigious Lewis and Arthur Stephen Award in Military History.

As an undergraduate, she made a notable contribution to academic discourse with her paper “Canadian-American Relations and the Case of Herbert Norman,” which was published in the university's undergraduate history journal in 2016. Additionally, Mariah presented her paper “Reconciliation on Whose Terms? The Death of Will Maquinna at the Ahousaht Indian Residential School,” at the Tri-University Annual History Conference in 2017, representing Wilfrid Laurier University.

After her academic achievements, Mariah broadened her horizons with international experiences in Greece and Mexico. In 2018, a transformative encounter with Mother Earth (Gaia) on Vancouver Island sparked a spiritual awakening, inspiring her to seek a deeper understanding of the force behind creation. In 2019, she saw the light body of the Goddess with a shaman in San Cristobal De Las Casas, Chiapas. 

Guided by these connections, Mariah pursued her certification in Reiki, embracing the wisdom of Gaia. Through her spiritual journey, Gaia revealed herself as Sophia, which led Mariah to John Lamb's Lash research, further strengthening her bond with the earth goddess. Mariah’s work has since been featured in Northern Magazine, where she continues to share her insights and discoveries.

Today, Mariah serves clients one-on-one, offering readings, consultations, energy work and Reiki sessions. She is dedicated to helping others deepen their connection to the earth, to themselves, and to the Goddess. Mariah is also working towards offering a course in the near future, with plans to eventually host retreats that will provide individuals with transformative experiences rooted in her deep spiritual practice and connection to Gaia. Through her work, she remains committed to serving as a storyteller, sharing the sacred Gnostic narrative of the Earth and honoring her profound relationship with the natural world.

She can be followed on X (Twitter) at UraeusDeAurum and YouTube at MariahKCG44.